Welcome to Russian Weapons Market!

The Best and Largest Weapons Market on the Dark Net, where you can buy with 100% Confidentiality security

Here we sell the best weapons on the market, at the best prices, We also sell ammunition for all the weapons we have in the catalogue

Deliveries can be made to any country, within 1 to 15 working days, everything will depend on traffic and distance. Delivery can be made on the same day if the order is placed before 12pm

Before going to the products I would like to clarify a few things, you will not make a purchase through this website, it is just for the presentation of the products, the negotiation works as follows: You will send us a message specifying which weapon you want to buy, don't worry , you are free to ask any questions you want, our goal is to satisfy every customer

Here is the information needed for you to make your purchase: Delivery Address, Contact email, Contact number, Name (may be false)

If you want greater confidentiality when making your purchase, you can ask us for a PGP so that you can indicate the delivery address you choose.

Before we get into the sales, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the great Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, this man is worthy of any recognition when it comes to weapons creators, he created the most famous and used rifle in the world. (AK-47 Kalashnikov), my compliments to this Man, we will never forget you, great master, you are tough, and you will always be

Born: November 10, 1919, Kur'ya, Russia

Died: December 23, 2013, Izhevsk, Russia

🇺🇦 Ukrainian press: More than 270 thousand weapons have disappeared or been stolen in Ukraine since the start of the Special Military Operation. This represents 40% of the total number of weapons registered in the unified register. The weapons that most “disappeared” are hunting rifles (27.9%), machine guns (27.8%) and carbines (10.8%). Among the models, the undisputed leader is the AK-74 machine gun, with 51,008 units. It is noted that so far in 2024, 78,217 weapons have been stolen or lost, more than in all of 2023 and four times more than before the conflict.


SITE update 09/17/2024